in today’s session we concentrated on audio, learned some quick basics of lighting and some tips for how to deal with lighting on a low low budget project. we also covered some basics strategies for conducting a video interview.
participants had a chance to get familiar with different types of microphones: camera mic, lavalier, and shot gun. in small groups participants made field recordings of
a person, place, or thing in order to understand directionality, quality, and sensitivity of different microphones and recording devices. We came back together and shared our recordings and our experiences. highlights of the recordings :: opening and closing of a cell phone; the difference between the camera mic, a shotgun, and a small semi-uni directional mic in an interview on a street – finding out the camera mic is omni-directional; and finding out how to capture chewing with a lavalier mic. With this knowledge, everyone left the workshop ready to conduct either a street interview or a formal interview by session 5.
lighting :: key/spot light, back light and fill. this is our mantra. no matter what the situation — key, back, fill. and remember the sun is our best friend in low budget production. if we don’t have a light kit — be resourceful and creative.
my quote of inspiration for this week’s project:
“feel very free to make lots of mistakes.”
next steps:: continue to develop project ideas and think about distribution to refine your concept — who is your audience and how will you reach them. in session 5 we will make groups + keep developing our ideas and start planning for the next phase: PRODUCTION!!!