Statements & Press Releases

Statement of Solidarity from the Middle East | #BlackLivesMatter

Statement of Solidarity


٦٠ جريمة إغتصاب في لبنان والدولة في خبر كان

Arab Feminist Knowledge Production Meeting

July 27-31– Beirut Lebanon

What are we calling for exactly?

Young women activist, writers and feminists have been setting up alternative electronic media websites/blogs  to provide more critical coverage and point of views on various issues in the Arab region, from gender issues, Islamophobia, Palestinian Israeli conflict including the recent uprisings in the region.

اللقاء العربي النسوي لإنتاج المعرفة

يوليو ٢٧-٣١ بيروت- لبنان

لماذا ندعوكن الى هذا اللقاء؟

تقوم ناشطات شابات وكاتبات ونسويات عربيات بخلق الاعلام الكتروني بديل لهن وذلك من خلال المواقع الالكترونية والمدوّنات التي تساهم في خلال تغطية نقدية للعديد من الاحداث والاوضاع المتعلقة بالجندر والاسلاموفوبيا والصراع الاسرائيلي الفلسطيني و الجنسانية والدين والثورات والتغيرات السياسية التي تعصف بالمنطقة.

نقد نسوي لمنتدى المرأة العربية

اختارت مجلة “الحسناء” ومجموعة “الاقتصاد والأعمال” عنوان “المرأة

Writer’s Workshop: The Personal is Political!

Have you ever heard the phrase, the personal is political?
It’s a feminist slogan that first appeared in 1969 and remains one of the most popular feminist catchphrases to this day.
But what does it really mean? And how does it relate to each of our life, as we live it today?

غيري عادتك، بتزيد سعادتك

A call for a feminist block in the Laïque Pride march

Secularism has been a critical demand in Lebanon ever since the declaration of independence. Unable to counter the confessional and sectarian loyalties in the years of the civil war, the question of a secular state rises once again to the fore of political life in Lebanon. This question reflects the need of the Lebanese people to be assured that the present years of civil “peace” will not be interrupted.


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