Feminism & Media

“سمعتو صوت؟” “إيه، سمعنا”


جَدّات “صوت النسوة”

تطبّق اليوم “صوت النسوة” السنة، كصحيفةٍ نضرةٍ

Reflections: Egyptian Law and Women

In two short weeks, the world has witnessed, through Egypt, a historical event few were prepared for. What would have been a repressed movement has found strength through new media outlets.

Writer’s Workshop: The Personal is Political!

Have you ever heard the phrase, the personal is political?
It’s a feminist slogan that first appeared in 1969 and remains one of the most popular feminist catchphrases to this day.
But what does it really mean? And how does it relate to each of our life, as we live it today?

غيري عادتك، بتزيد سعادتك

week three :: interviews + production

after our workshop on audio + lighting everyone set out to gather short interviews around our common themes…

these could be street interviews with total strangers

SAWT video workshop :: interview :: Palestinian Rights 01 from k lynch on Vimeo.



Those who have cameras please remember to bring them for Saturday’s workshop.

Workshop Calendar :: June 17 to July 17, 2010

This is a general schedule of our activities during the workshop.


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We wouldn't have done this without you, Thank you Bassem Chit - May you rest in power.

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